Tinca Time!

So, in the middle of May I had my last Bream session of the Spring. Another sixty hour session which, I have to say, I wasn’t confident about at all. Social media was abound with talk of bream spawning everywhere which, seemed a couple of weeks early. I managed to get a spot that I had wanted to try before. It looked bang on for a fish or two as I know it has done form previously but my confidence levels were low. High pressure, sunshine are not ideal conditions and as I was expecting, I blanked. Well, actually that’s not true. I actually had a couple of Eels but only small ones.

I then had a trip down my local cut after the Zander. Again, it’s normally a great place to get a bite but on my previous trip, i’d heard that it may have been electrofished. I really struggled on my second trip with one small Zander, a couple of small Pike and a Perch. Normally, it’s possible to get loads of bites and catch multiple fish. The Zander had just started to get to a reasonable size but based on the last two trips its looking increasingly likely that the rumours are true. If that’s the case then it may be a case of leaving it for a few years to see if it recovers before they zap it again.

Now, i’m trying to fit in a couple of Tench sessions before they spawn. I managed to do an overnight session this weekend which, should actually have been two nights but I managed to get my dates mixed up. I arrived at the pit after work on Thursday and was immediately attacked by the mozzies. Not sure what the attraction of my pasty cotton thin legs is but they were on me as soon as I got out the car. Thankfully I had brought my mozzie screen for my shelter otherwise things could have been a lot worse.

I managed to get set up for about half six which gave me plenty of time to chill out before it got dark. I hadn’t been settle long before the left hand rod was away and the tip pulled left. Lifting up It felt like a decent fish. Tench have always been a bit of a bogey fish for me. I’ve always struggled to catch them but I put that down to the waters that I generally fish for them. It was a half decent female though coming in at 6.10 and the omens looked good.

Just on dark, I had another screaming bite, only this time the fish made for the middle of the lake so I knew instantly it was a Carp. I had a feeling I may get the odd one although, this was only a small scrawny looking one and not the usual stamp of fish that you get here. It was a common and looked to be probably just into double figures.

A couple of hours later and another screaming run woke me from my slumber. Another Carp came to the net. This one was slightly bigger and spawned out. In my bleary state, I guesstimated it to be around sixteen pounds. Another one that didn’t look in the best of condition though to be fair.

Day broke and to be fair, I really couldn’t be arsed to open my eyes and look for fish. Instead, I chose to stay in my sleeping bag finally getting up around 7am. I rebaited and put fresh baits on. No more Tench were forthcoming but, I did get a Bream. Again, spawned out but in really good condition.

I had to pack in just after lunch which is probably not a bad thing. It was getting incredibly hot and I can’t say my expectations were high. Hopefully, I can get another trip in before the Tench start to spawn.

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